Legal compliance

The Future of Compliance 2030​
Explore 10 key program shifts to stay ahead and out of trouble.​

As the business environment and stakeholder expectations evolve, much of compliance’s current activity set is growing less effective. To keep pace with these changes and remain effective, compliance leaders will have to evolve their program activities across the next several years. The Mandala Future of Compliance 2030 eBook identifies 10 key shifts that compliance must make to its program activities between now and 2030 to remain effective in a changing environment. Download now to uncover an action plan to achieving these 10 shifts by 2030 and get started.

About Mandala Legal Strategic Plan Template

Mandala Legal Strategic Planning Template helps legal leaders define the roadmap for executing the key actions required to meet their legal department strategy initiatives in alignment with the enterprise business model and goals. Leaders can leverage this legal strategy template to create and communicate a clear action plan that states where the legal function currently is, where it need to be, how to get there and how to progress.

2023 Third-Party Risk Management Benchmarking Report​

Third-party networks continue to expand. This drives boards and senior leaders to target TPRM programs for increased oversight and pressures risk leaders to invest in improved governance of third-party risks. As organizations increase target TPRM program oversight, many implement governance strategies to improve information sharing across functions. However, such practices are yielding poor quality information, limiting their usefulness. Because of this lack of confidence, organizations are increasingly relying on resource-intensive in-house monitoring strategies.

Download our latest report to learn more about:

  • State of the third-party network
  • Governance tactics
  • Due diligence practices
  • Monitoring third-party 
Strategic Planning Guide for Legal Leaders​
Create a Legal Strategy built for success with this guide and free template

initiatives for your function. Done well, your legal strategic plan should provide a clear roadmap to deliver on your business goals

Use this Legal strategic planning guide to:

  • Build a clear, measurable legal strategic plan aligned to your organizational goals
  • Combat 7 costly planning mistakes to develop a robust and agile strategy for your Legal department
  • Capture and communicate your legal strategy to stakeholders with a simple and visually impactful one-page template (exclusive feature)
5 Things the Best General Counsel Do Differently

What separates the best general counsel from the rest

At a time when organizations face unprecedented uncertainty, the role of the general counsel (GC) has never been more important to corporate success. However, only 18% of GC are personally effective at acting as corporate executives. Time constraints and unpredictable workflows leave many GC struggling to impact corporate objectives, influence the CEO or effectively support the board.

A SDMI Mandala survey of top global GCs reveals what the most effective general counsel are doing differently with their time, relationships, resources and teams.

Discover five shifts in behavior that equip the best general counsel to more effectively impact strategic decision-making and influence the CEO

Strategic Planning Guide for Compliance Leaders

Create a compliance strategy built for success
with this guide and free template.

Effective compliance strategic planning connects your enterprise strategy to specific initiatives for your function. Done well, your compliance strategic plan should provide a clear roadmap to deliver on your business goals.

Use this Compliance strategic planning guide to

  • Build a clear, measurable compliance strategic plan aligned to your organizational goals

  • Combat seven costly planning mistakes to develop a robust and agile strategy for your Compliance department

Capture and communicate your compliance strategy to stakeholders with a simple and visually impactful one-page template (exclusive feature)