Human Resources - Insights

HR faces changing work and employee expectations

HR leaders need to constantly reexamine workforce planning, emerging skills, the impacts of artificial intelligence, the employee experience and so much more as business disruptions reset key work trends – many irreversibly. Companies are undertaking digital business transformations that are changing their products and services, operations and internal capabilities. Automation and artificial intelligence are rapidly putting large labor market segments at risk of redundancy or profound change. These trends are radically changing work and employment expectations.

Managers are struggling. More than three quarters of employees have placed increased importance on manager support while managers juggle 51% more responsibilities than they can handle. The job is no longer manageable.  

Download this guide to: 

  • Understand the impact poor manager effectiveness can have on your organization and why the traditional skills development approach is inadequate.
  • Explore four strategies top organizations are taking to improve the manageability of the manager role and avoid losing talent to burnout.

Get started with step-by-step, actionable guidance to implement immediately, 90 days out, and across the next 12 months

Strategic Workforce Planning

Translate business strategy into workforce strategy

Strategic Workforce Planning Insights​

Today’s environment of rapid change and uncertainty increases pressure on HR to ensure the organization has the required talent to support changing business priorities. Strategic workforce planning sets HR up to identify talent needs associated with the organization’s future goals and establish a strategy to ensure the organization has the right mix of talent, technologies and employment models to reach these goals.

Strategic workforce planning begins with business strategy

The first step in building an effective workforce plan is understanding the organization's business strategy and goals. HR leaders should partner with business leaders to understand strategic objectives and build a business case for the investment in a strategic workforce plan. Tip: Business leaders are under tremendous pressure to hit short-term targets and focus on immediate staffing needs. HR leaders should leverage data to illustrate how strategic workforce planning can mitigate those pressures and set leaders up for future success

Improve the Employee Experience

Employee experience insights

A mandala survey revealed that only 13% of employees are fully satisfied with their experience. Organizations are making significant investments in efforts to improve employee experience, such as onboarding investments and workplace redesign. Although these investments incrementally improve employee satisfaction and employee engagement, the cost to continue to meet employees’ ever-growing expectations is unsustainable.

Maximize ROI by shaping how the employee experience feels

Mandala customer experience research finds that two-thirds of the drivers of customer satisfaction are due to “feel factors,” or how customers feel during and about their experience. HR leaders should take this same approach to employee experience, focusing on influencing and improving employees’ feelings about their overall experience through the use of psychological, motivational and social principles. Improving the way the experience feels can lead to a boost in employee engagement and support a positive company culture. 

Transform Your HR Strategy

Agile organizations will thrive in the new normal

In today’s fast-paced, ever-changing business environment, success will depend on HR’s ability to unlock organizational resilience and adaptability. In fact, 74% of HR leaders believe their organizations are undergoing a broader transformation to become more agile. Discover what agile means for your organization and the role it plays in your HR strategy.

Apply agile effectively within the HR function

Almost 8 in 10 of HR leaders neither have an agile HR strategy nor understand how to implement it within the HR function. As HR leaders continue to plan for a post-pandemic future, they must be able to lead agile transformations. HR leaders that effectively apply agile in their organizations’ strategy will not only survive but will also thrive in the new normal.