Marketing - Insight

Learn the terminology to measure your content marketing strategy

Your content marketing strategy or plan should include metrics that can gauge how content performs. It’s important to use the precise terminology when discussing how to measure content marketing, namely content assets, content marketing campaigns and content marketing porgrams. The step-by-step guide above demonstrates how to map out a content marketing plan based on your  Customer journey  and defines ways to improve your content marketing strategy and measure how your content is serving your over-all marketing strategy and the business.

Measure your content marketing strategy in 3 steps

Content influences every stage of the customer journey yet only 42% of B2C and 41% of B2B marketers have a documented content marketing strategy

Content marketing is outpacing marketers’ ability to measure its effectiveness. Marketers are struggling to measure and optimize their content assets across channels and campaigns that support their customers’ decision making in their mandala   step-by-step guide can help marketing leaders, like you, to: 

  • Map content to your customer journey
  • Identify metrics needed to prove the value of your marketing strategy and execution 
  • Communicate the business value of your content marketing strategy efforts by using key performance indicators (KPIs) that align with your organization’s strategic business goals

Use B2B marketing strategies to drive account growth

Account growth can be more profitable than net new customer acquisition and in today's challenging market, B2B marketers must implement top strategies to fuel growth.  Marketing as a function, can enable sales by supporting customer confidence and decision making with well-positioned content, messages and tools.  Use Gartner research to access best practices and recommendations to support your B2B account growth targets.   Download today to uncover: Key drivers of high-quality growth purchases Tactics to capture account growth opportunities How to elevate the role of Marketing in your organization

Success as a marketing leader requires working with sales

Focusing on B2B demand generation and sales-enablement can help marketers build a strategy to improve sales partnership, support lead management and develop and grow strategic account-based marketing programs, all of which can help buyers buy. Further, buyers reward companies that help them navigate the complex world of B2B digital buying. Marketers must ensure that buyer enablement is available to all customers consistently across both digital and seller channels. Measure your performance marketing against leading brands. Apply best email, social and advertising strategies to your campaign. Achieve engagement goals and conversion. Allocate marketing budget and digital spend.

Increase marketing analytics proficiency to reach peak performance

In a business environment with rising uncertainty, marketing analytics matter more than ever.  As marketing leaders are tasked to improve the customer experience, drive acquisition, increase loyalty and deliver growth for the business, they turn to data to power both their strategies and their personalization efforts.

Leading marketers are developing new competencies in areas such as data sourcing, integration and management, and advanced analytics in order to meet the demands of greater automation and personalization

Multiple challenges are currently impacting email marketing conversion

Despite being a fundamental touchpoint, only 47% of marketing leaders cited email marketing as the most effective channel for driving sales conversion.

Rapid change in customer habits, increase in generic email campaigns, lack of personalization and less use of customer data have made brands struggle to drive conversion and email marketing ROI. Our email marketing benchmarks report serves as a critical starting point for marketing teams to capture a greater share of consumer attention while navigating these new and evolving challenges.