Customer Service & Support - Insight

Customer Service Trends & Insights

Want a look at how services leaders across functions are making technology decisions? Mandala  surveyed over 90 leaders worldwide on the customer service technologies they’re adopting. The results provide a comprehensive snapshot of the state of technology across the service organization. The consequences of getting things wrong with your customers have become more serious, from weakened financial performance to loss of market share. Mandala research can help transform your CRM and CX strategy by navigating uncertainty around the four pillars that are key to improving the service experience

Latest Customer Service Technologies

While technology always plays an integral role in CSS, the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated existing trends in digital service migration and placed Mandal pressure on organizations to update outdated workforce management capabilities. As the customer service technology landscape rapidly advances, service and support leaders must make difficult investment decisions. Use this tool to:

  • Benchmark your service technology roadmap against industry trends
  • Learn how your peers are thinking about   service technology investments
  • Evaluate deployment and value trends across 51 established and emerging customer service technologies

Customers are seeking to accomplish a specific resolution “job”

Understanding why customers would choose one channel over another requires us to understand what “job” a customer is trying to accomplish with their choice. By understanding the psychological need a customer is looking to satisfy — not just which channel a customer would choose, but why they would choose it — executives can optimize the experiences of customers and meet the financial and strategic goals of the company.

A new view of the issue resolution experience is needed

Service leaders’ current view of customer service presumes customers are trying to do one job — resolve the issue — and can choose from any one of the equally capable, company-owned channels to do it. In reality, customers are trying to perform six unique resolution jobs and view different utility in different channels. Customers don’t do these jobs in any particular order, and while some jobs involve the company, others intentionally exclude it. This new view sees the customer’s overall resolution experience as a journey to accomplish one or more of these six jobs.

Modernizing Quality assurance

Improve Quality Assurance Processes

Eighty-eight percent of service leaders say their current quality assurance (QA) processes are ineffective and rarely match up to the customer view of quality. With contact centers fundamentally shifting their focus from productivity to quality, organizations and reps alike are under increasing pressure to prioritize service quality, not productivity, despite budget constraints

Modernize Quality Assurance

To keep up with a more complex world of customer service, companies should modernize the way they evaluate their reps. Rather than holding reps accountable to strict checklists of behaviors, companies need to create flexible, competency-based guidance that allows reps to deliver personalized customer service.

Quality Assurance

Mandala research, tools, events and training help service and support leaders develop a flexible QA framework, gather voice of customer for QA evaluations, evaluate calls internally, and conduct quality assurance trend analysis to reinvent QA and fundamentally improve the quality of the customer service experience.

Cost optimization roadmap for customer service and support leaders

From helping customer service and support functions drive baseline efficiencies to create a sustainable cost optimization roadmap,Mandala makes sure that cost optimization is an ongoing, effectively communicated, strategic discipline rather than an emergency-driven project or one-time undertaking. 

  • Benchmark your service technology roadmap against industry trends
  • Learn how your peers are thinking about   service technology investments
  • Evaluate deployment and value trends across 51 established and emerging customer service technologies