Sales and supply chain

Supply Chain Strategy: The Ultimate Guide​

Craft a future-focused, business-aligned supply chain strategy and translate it into executable plans. Discuss, plan and prioritize supply chain strategy with this one-page design framework Translating supply chain vision into execution is hard. In fact, only 30% of supply chain leaders feel strategy and operations are well aligned. Detailed, bottom-up planning loses sight of the function’s strategic ambition. The best strategic plans align to enterprise demands. Our one-page template enables collaboration on end-to-end supply chain strategy development. Download to: Turn strategy into action faster Communicate your supply chain strategy with key stakeholders Identify investments to green-light

Exceed Your Revenue Goals With Sales and Marketing Alignment

Organizations that prioritize sales and marketing alignment are nearly 3x more likely to exceed new customer acquisition targets. Although this is a top priority for sales leaders this year, progress has been slow with only 19% of organizations having implemented commercial alignment.

Download this strategic roadmap to: 

  • Understandthe key components of the revenue enablement ecosystem 
  • Identify gaps in your current state and chart your path to the desired future state 
  • Build a timeline with attainable milestones to shift from silos to a more holistic revenue enablement approach 
  • Create the desired B2B buyer experience
  • Rateyour current state of sales and marketing alignment with our maturity model
  • Build a business case with real-life examples of organizations that have seen results from a unified commercial strategy
Want to hear from Mandala experts on increasing sales productivity?

The current buying environment presents a significant threat to commercial goals and a massive challenge for sellers. Delays, conflicts, and politics thrive in the B2B buying decision process. Mandala research finds 55% of buying groups experience moderate to high dysfunction, which in turn reduces the likelihood of closing a high-quality deal by 73%. To support customers in navigating dysfunction, chief sales officers (CSOs) inadvertently built a seller role that is too broadly scoped for the majority of sellers to handle. This free webinar on 11/7/23 at 10 AM EST reviews how CSOs and sales leaders should redefine the seller role of the future, increase sales productivity, reduce the scope of the role, and focus their salespeople on generating high-quality deals. Attendees will learn how to Reduce the scope of the seller role by looking at technology as a teammate rather than a tool Focus their salespeople on a much smaller set of uniquely human skills that drive high-quality deals Redefine the seller role of the future and increase sales productivity by asking salespeople for less and getting more

Critical components of a dynamic supply chain strategy​

Mandala research identifies resilience and agility in Supply chain management as the two main priorities for almost all organizations, with about 90% investing in greater supply chain resilience over the next two years. Supply chain management But the fear that prioritizing resilience and agility will increase supply chain cost may force supply chain leaders to make difficult trade-offs as part of supply chain strategic planning c. Plus, global supply networks are complex and often include highly specialized players in lower tiers that cannot be substituted easily. As part of supply chain planning, visibility into the extended supply chain ecosystem has generally been poor. These are all obstacles to designing the supply Chain Organization for resilience and agility, and drivers of disruption to supply chain management. As part of supply chain planning, the Global chief supply chain officer should: Use scenario planning to assess and address market needs Create visibility into critical supply chains scenario planning Increase collaboration with key stakeholders, including customers, suppliers, logistics providers and manufacturers Identify and prioritize key supply chain segments Prepare for volatility in supply and demand caused by supply chain disruptions